RADSoft System

PT prima Solusi computindo , well known as RADSoft is a software development company specializing in financial and portfolio management. Established in 2013 and located in Indonesia.
To date, RADSoft has more than 40 employees who are experienced in their respective fields. We are aspire to steer users through the next generation of business innovation powered by the latest technology.

Board of Director
Ezhekiel Christian
Wiranto Leonardo
Hamzah Abdul Aziz
Dhani Wirawan


Our vision is to be the most influential IT company that empowers businesses to fulfill their potential through efficient system.


We understands that the world of investment is constantly changing. So, we constantly analyzes various cutting-edge technologies around the world, and listen to the needs of the client to optimize their business. We transform raw data into user-friendly system according to the entity's prederences. Lastly, we constantly monitor the software and regulation to provide a reliable system.

Developer Team
Implementor Team